WHAT IS TAROT?TAROT is a body of symbols referring to the two levels of human existence - the everyday or outer experiences such as love, studies, business, enterprises, etc.; and the inner or soul development which is common to all people. Its operation is based on the principle of synchronicity, much like the I Ching. Through its interpretation can be gained knowledge relating to such things as successful decisions, self-destructive actions, helpful partnerships, foolish attitudes, and so forth. WHAT IS ASTROLOGY?ASTROLOGY is a blueprint of an energy pattern (of an individual, a geographical place, a thing, or an event) at a certain moment in time and space, against which new and different energy patterns are continuously interacting. It, too, refers to the two levels of existence, inner and outer. Its operation is based on the principle of mathematical harmonics, much like music. Through it interpretation can be gotten information relating to such things as inherent personality traits, major areas of life-activity, past and future timing of events, compatibility and duration of relationships, and various probabilities. ASTROLOGY relies on left-brain rational data, and is more precise regarding timing. TAROT relies on right-brain intuitional data, and is more useful for receiving "guidance from Above." Both are wonderful! OF WHAT PRACTICAL USE?BUSINESSES can use these tools for timing of investments, screening and placement of personnel, spotting trends, discovering potential talent on your staff, and avoiding deceptive partnerships. THERAPISTS... for uncovering psychological weaknesses in clients, pinpointing behavioral problems, seeing familial patterns, and gauging their own effect upon their clients. MEDICINE... for diagnosing physical predispositions, and for finding preventive possibilities. SCHOOLS... for locating latent talents and/or learning disabilities in students, for avoiding poor teacher/ pupil combinations, and for understanding students' peak and low periods for achievements and honors. INDIVIDUALS... for realizing their own potentials and limitations, for gaining greater self-awareness, and for receiving understanding and comfort during difficult times in life. WHAT IS CHANNELING?The dictionary defines a channel as a path or passage through which something moves or passes, often communication. And as a verb, to channel is to direct or convey something through a pathway. Thus, in a metaphysical sense, a channeler is someone through whom information is conveyed - as one whose very consciousness is the passageway for such information to be directed. The quality of this technique depends on the clarity of reception; the value, upon the importance of the information being conveyed. If the channeler can receive and transmit information from higher sources as clear as a bell, and if the information is meaningful and beneficial to another's soul growth and joy, this technique will be profoundly helpful to the seeker. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION ON HOW TO SET UP AN APPOINTMENT WITH JUDI OUR EXCHANGE/RETURN POLICYConsultations: none WHY WAIT? LEARN WHAT TOMORROW WILL BRING!Psychic astrologer & trance-channeler Judi Thomases... Specializing in emotional & spiritual guidance, relationships, trend-spotting... Excellent credentials... Member of 4 national metaphysical organizations and a regional healers alliance... Over three decades' experience... A GENTLE COSMIC PERSPECTIVE FOR YOUR DOWN-TO-EARTH GROWTH - In-person, telephone, taped readings.Privacy StatementYour privacy is my policy. I will not sell any customer information to third party companies...EVER.