Special Report FINDING A NEW RELATIONSHIP WITH MONEY Forcing the Universe to $upply It To You! |
This report discusses money as energy, and the steps needed to change your relationship to it. A distillation of spiritual awareness, applied to practical matters, it was written by Judi Thomases, owner of Wisdom Path, author of the award-winning book"Wisdom's Game" and various articles and columns, and spiritual counselor and advisor with over three decades in the field of holistic awareness. A Phi Beta Kappa, she is dedicated to raising the planetary vibration. A member of two national astrological organizations, Judi was the founder and co-host of a radio show ("New Perspectives") and a television show ("Meet the Healers"); has been a board member of a holistic practitioners network, a businesswomen's entrepreneurial network, and an astrological organization; has been a guest on several national media including ABC, CBS, Sirius Satellite radio,The Doug Stephan Show, and AnnieJenningsPR.com; has consulted on film and television projects; has an international roster of clients from all walks including the professions, and has taught, lectured and coached on metaphysical, astrological and spiritual subjects for decades. In 1997, Judi began to "hear" the voice of her spirit guides, The Brotherhood of Light Workers, who told her to expect a flow of teachings that she could use to help and heal others. In session, Judi delves deeply into the soul's agenda, clarifying choices.
Visit www.WisdomPath.com and www.WisdomsBlog.com for more information about Judi's products and services.
An 11-page report, downloadable. © 2009 by Judi Thomases.
Only $9.95, Download (PDF)
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